Core Values & Competencies Back to Career Home Page

1) Customer Centric

We exist because customers exist. The most important thing you do at is to keep the customers' interest first. Customer is the most important part of our business. In our case, there are two type of customers -- buyers and sellers. For us both type of customers are important but even sellers exist due to buyers. So buyers go to be the most important group of customers.

2) Passionate

We dare to challenge traditional approaches every day and try to achieve lots of things in short span of time. These can only be done if we are very passionate about what we do. The excellent only comes when you are passionate about what you do.

3) High Energy

We operate in a fast paced and highly competitive environment. Similar to being passionate, high energy is super important competency at ShopClues. You will be surprised how your high energy can influence people and things around you.

4) Long-Term Approach

E-Commerce is a monolithic opportunity and the industry will continue to see very high growth for long-term. We are not in E-Commerce for a quick exit but have taken a long-term approach. We want to be around forever. That means, we keep long-term approach -- we should not restore to short-cuts or covering our mistakes with carpet

5) Learn from Mistakes

We are an Internet start-up. We make lots of mistakes but the key is to learn from mistakes and not repeat it. This also means, doing the same thing better next time. If each one of us bring excellence in what we do and make things better as an iterative process, will become an unstoppable force.

6) High Work Ethics

Hard work, sincerity of purpose, and giving your best to your day to day work will help you shine at We are full of people who truly love what they do and we do not watch clock but focus on giving our best.

7) Frugality

Frugality does not mean being cheap. It means, no wasteful spending. We watch and measure every Rupee/Dollar we spend. This has helped us to keep our operations lean and spend money with higher level of accountability. Does not matter how much money we have and will have, we will not change our culture of frugality. Frugality does not mean that we try not to spend the money but we measure before and after we spend the money and as they say” if you can not measure, you can not control.

8) Result Oriented

ShopClues is a culture of delivering results. Each one of us at ShopClues has set of duties and role to play. You should focus on results and deliverables vs. distractions, exceptions, and constraints.

9) Take Ownership

Take ownership of your work and handle it end-to-end. One thing, which I believe wholeheartedly is -- your role is what you carve out. And this is perhaps true for every aspect of life. If you take ownership of your work and deliverable, you carve out great career for yourself. So take ownership of your work at ShopClues and take them to next level.

10) Positive Attitude

Life is as positive as you want to make it. it is very easy to bring negativity in your thinking/observations/behavior but there is no end to negative thinking and negative attitude. We want to keep ShopClues a place with positive attitude. Positivity goes long way in life vs. negativity. So stay positive and positive things will happen.