Mixer, Juicer, Grinder Buyer Guide | ShopClues.com

Mixer, Juicer, Grinder Buyer Guide

The state of indoor air quality is not something everyone may consider. However, it’s extremely important as studies have shown that it can be poorer than outdoor air quality. An air purifier is the solution as it has the capability to filter air of impurities. Couple it with a de-humidifier to remove excess moisture and you can breathe clean, fresh air again.

Air Purifier and De-humidifier

Why do you need an Air Purifier?

Air Purifier

An air purifier can reduce the amount of contaminants in indoor air. They could be allergy-causing impurities like pollen, dust and pet dander, or bacteria and dust mites. Since it’s impossible to keep doors and windows shut 24/7, there’s a need to find another solution to clean air. An air purifier can help.

Why do you need a De-humidifier?


Whether you suffer from allergies or not, a de-humidifier can reduce the survival rate of dust mites and prevent mould growth, which both need higher humidity to thrive. Mould, in particular, is often overlooked but has the ability to create numerous health problems. A de-humidifier can help bring down humidity to healthy levels.

Types of Air Purifier

Portable Air Purifier


Portable air purifiers are small and have a low capacity. However, they’re ideal for cars and similar small spaces.

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Floor-mounted air purifiers are much larger than portable models. They can be moved around too. However, they have a higher capacity and can serve small to medium rooms easily.

Wall-mounted Air Purifier


Wall-mounted air purifiers are attached to walls and usually have higher capacities than floor-mounted models.

Filter Types

Air purifiers are also further classified based on the filters they use. Here are a few types:

  • HEPA: HEPA-based air purifiers are popular because they can catch tiny contaminants of not less than 0.3 microns. This means they can filter out impurities such as pollen, mould, dust mite debris, bacteria and pet dander. However, they can’t filter cigarette smoke and fumes as these are smaller than 0.3 microns.
  • Activated carbon: Air purifiers with activated carbon filters are usually used together with HEPA filters. They work by causing contaminants to bond with the carbon chemically and trapping them. While they can reduce odour, gas and smoke, they don’t remove dust and other allergens.
  • Electrostatic precipitator:Air purifiers with electrostatic precipitators use corona wires and collection plates. The wires create a corona that releases electrons. When these electrons come into contact with contaminants, they become negatively charged and are attracted and, therefore, trapped to the collection plates.
  • UV light: UV light-based filters use electromagnetic radiation to kill viruses, bacteria, mould, and yeast. However, they don’t eliminate dust and other allergens.

Types of De-humidifiers



Small-capacity de-humidifiers remove around 10-18 litres of moisture per day. They’re ideal for small spaces, but may not be enough for medium size rooms unless humidity is quite low.



Medium-capacity de-humidifiers remove about 20-23 litres of moisture. They’re sufficient for medium and large size rooms depending on how humid it is.



Large-capacity models are rated to remove more than 40 litres of moisture each day. They’re undoubtedly expensive but they’re perfect for large spaces that are very damp.

Air Purifier

  • Combination of high airflow and high filtration efficiency
  • Easy-to-change filters
  • Mobility, if the air purifier is not wall-mounted
  • No ozone emissions
  • Low maintenance costs. Higher-end air purifiers can be cheaper to maintain and can save money in the long run
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  • Removable tank
  • Removable and washable filter
  • Variable settings
  • Humidity sensor
  • Programmable timer
  • Automatic shut-off
  • User-friendly controls
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Air Purifier

Choosing an air purifier depends on your need. If you’re more concerned about eliminating allergy-causing contaminants, a HEPA-based purifier or one that uses an electrostatic precipitator are your best bets. However, if you want to get rid of fumes and smoke too, you can look for a purifier that also makes use of a carbon filter. There are air purifiers that make use of more than two types of filters as well.


Choosing from small-, medium- and large-capacity de-humidifiers depends on the size of the room and humidity levels. If you need to run the de-humidifier only for a few hours a day in one or two rooms, a small-capacity model will do. If you need to run it overnight, choose a medium-capacity model. A large-capacity de-humidifier, meanwhile, can be run for hours on end and service large rooms.

A point to note is that while de-humidifiers can bring down humidity, they aren’t a solution for persistent and serious damp cases. In such situations, you’ll need to ascertain what’s causing the dampness. You may need to consult a building contractor if repairs are necessary.

For Air Purifier

  • Turn on an air purifier only when you intend to use it. Leaving it running when no one’s at home will only consume energy and tax the system. However, if you have allergies, you should turn it on for longer periods to minimise symptoms.
  • When not using the air purifier and if the weather permits, leave windows open for a time for ventilation.
  • Clean house regularly to keep it freer of contaminants. This way, you won’t have to use the air purifier too often.
  • Place the air purifier at least a foot away from walls and furniture. It’ll allow for better air circulation

For De-humidifiers

  • Use a de-humidifier only when necessary
  • Close the doors and windows when using it
  • Like air purifiers, place it away from walls and furniture
  • Empty the tank whenever needed to enable the de-humidifier to run properly
  • Avoid using the de-humidifier in winter as it’s designed to remove moisture only when humidity levels are at 50 percent or more.